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Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations
Information on business entities that have a tax debt
Find out more about your business partner
Register of single tax payers
Register of VAT payers
Register of VAT payers
YouControl register of analytical findings
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
YouControl register of analytical findings
- total number of court documents
- case numbers
- form of legal proceedings (civil, administrative, criminal, economic)
- form of court decisions along with links to relevant documents on the YouControl website.
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
- list of enforcement proceedings and their numbers
- status of the counterparty in production (debtor / recoverer)
- categories of penalties
- information on the other side of production
- information on the collection authority, and direct executor as well as other information contained in the Automated system of enforcement proceedings
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
- list of years for which information on foreign economic activity is available
- information on operations with offshore and sanctioned countries
- information on export-import operations (quantity, amount, countries, goods)
YouControl register of analytical findings
When requested by ID (EDRPOU) of a legal entity:
The module provides the following information:
1. List of related NPFs (national public figures) or related parties
1.1. Type of communication with the company
1.2. Individual ID
1.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
1.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
1.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
1.6. Link for detailed information
2. List of related entities of declaration or related persons
2.1. Type of communication with the company
2.2. Individual ID
2.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
2.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
2.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
2.6. Link for detailed information
When requested by an individual’s ID:
1. Name of individual
2. Position of an individual
3. Category (NPF only)
4. Date from which we assign a person to the category of NPFs (only for NPFs)
5. The date from which we cease to count the person of the NPF (only for the NPF)
6. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
7. Source from which information about an individual was obtained
8. List of related NPFs (only for persons associated with NPFs)
Upon request by name, belonging to the subjects of declaration and NPF, and also to persons associated with them (checked only if private person is associated with legal entity):
1. Individual ID
2. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
3. Name of individual
4. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
5. Links for detailed information
YouControl register of analytical findings
The module provides the following information:
1. The total number of vehicles
2. Link to the next page
3. List of vehicles:
3.1. Operation code
3.2. Operation Name
3.3. Registration Authority
3.4. Type of vehicle
3.5. Model
3.6. Mark
3.7. Body type
3.8. Fuel type
3.9. Color
3.10. Year of production
3.11. Engine volume
3.12. Net weight of the vehicle
3.13. Total vehicle weight
3.14. Date of last registration
3.15. Vehicle purpose
Data by the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka)
Register of non-profitable institutions and organizations
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Register of vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Verification is carried out by the following parameters:
- Date of Birth
- Code
The module provides the following information:
- total number of enforcement proceedings
- status of the counterparty in production (debtor / recoverer)
- categories of penalties
- information on the other side of production
- information about the body of State Executive Service and direct executor
as well as other information contained in the URD.
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
"Persons who hide from the authorities"
"Missing citizens"
Namely, information about individuals:
- The defendant in cases of claims for alimony, damages caused by injury, poor health or loss of the breadwinner
- Deserter (MO, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)
- Condemned to criminal (administrative) punishment, not related to deprivation of liberty, to punishment in the form of imprisonment, evading from execution of a court sentence, is missing for unknown reasons at the place of residence or work
- Minor who is wanted by the court under the writs of deprivation of parental rights
- A person who has not arrived at the place of residence after being released from prison
- The person who escaped from a special institution of health care authorities, where he underwent a course of compulsory treatment
- A person hiding from the preliminary investigation authorities, prosecutors or court
- A person who evades administrative oversight
- A person who shies away from leaving Ukraine after a decision is made to expel him
- A mentally ill or helpless person who has left home or a special health care institution.
- A socially dangerous mentally ill person who has left home or escaped from a special institution of health authorities
- Civil defendant
The module also provides historical data that allows you to check whether a person was listed in these registries before.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
"Search among the abducted and lost"
"Check on the basis of invalid documents"
The module provides information on passports that have been stolen or lost, with the following information:
1. Region (internal affairs authority)
2. Date of passport theft
3. Date of entry
There is also information on passports that were declared invalid. Including the forms of passports, remaining in the relevant authorities on the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, indicating the date of entering information.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
The module provides the following information:
1. Place of work and position of a person at the time of applying the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “For cleansing of power”
2. Information about the results of the audit
3. The time during which the person is subject to the prohibition provided for by the Law of Ukraine "For cleansing of power"
4. The first mention in the register of a person
5. Date of deletion of information about a person from the registry (to be completed for persons whose information is missing in the registry at the date of the registry update)
The unified state register of persons for which the law of Ukraine "On the purification of power" works
The module provides the following information:
1. Registry Update Date
2. Block the answers about the person:
2.1. Last name at the time of the offense
2.2. Name at the time of the offense
2.3. Patronymic at the time of the offense
2.4. Place of employment at the time of the corruption offense
2.5. Position at the time of the corruption offense
2.6. The composition of the corruption offense
2.7. The scope of activities at the time of the offense
2.8. Articles according to which a person is held accountable for committing a corruption offense or related to corruption
2.9. Articles according to which a person is held accountable for committing a corruption offense or related to corruption (due to Ministry of Justice) 2.10. The essence of satisfaction of claims
2.11. The way to commit a disciplinary corruption offense
2.12. Type of disciplinary action
2.13. Date of entry into force of a court decision on bringing a person to justice for a corruption offense
2.14. Case number
2.15. Date of judgment
2.16. Court number
2.17. Name of the court that adopted (ruled) the court decision on bringing the person to responsibility for a corruption offense
2.18. Date of the order to impose a disciplinary action
2.19. Number of the order imposing disciplinary action
2.20. punishment
2.21. Date of registration
2.22. registration number
2.23. Information card date
2.24. Information card number
2.25. Date of first mention of the person in the registry
2.26. Date of entry removal from the registry
2.27. Additional Information
Unified state register of corrupt officials
When requested by ID (EDRPOU) of a legal entity:
The module provides the following information:
1. List of related NPFs (national public figures) or related parties
1.1. Type of communication with the company
1.2. Individual ID
1.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
1.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
1.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
1.6. Link for detailed information
2. List of related entities of declaration or related persons
2.1. Type of communication with the company
2.2. Individual ID
2.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
2.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
2.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
2.6. Link for detailed information
When requested by an individual’s ID:
1. Name of individual
2. Position of an individual
3. Category (NPF only)
4. Date from which we assign a person to the category of NPFs (only for NPFs)
5. The date from which we cease to count the person of the NPF (only for the NPF)
6. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
7. Source from which information about an individual was obtained
8. List of related NPFs (only for persons associated with NPFs)
Upon request by name, belonging to the subjects of declaration and NPF, and also to persons associated with them (checked only if private person is associated with legal entity):
1. Individual ID
2. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
3. Name of individual
4. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
5. Links for detailed information
YouControl register of analytical findings
The module provides the following information:
1. The total number of vehicles
2. Link to the next page
3. List of vehicles:
3.1. Operation code
3.2. Operation Name
3.3. Registration Authority
3.4. Type of vehicle
3.5. Model
3.6. Mark
3.7. Body type
3.8. Fuel type
3.9. Color
3.10. Year of production
3.11. Engine volume
3.12. Net weight of the vehicle
3.13. Total vehicle weight
3.14. Date of last registration
3.15. Vehicle purpose
Data by the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka)
- Deputy
- Candidate in the electoral lists
- Candidate in single-member districts (SMDs)
- Candidate for People's Deputies who dropped out
- epresentative or authorized person of the party (bloc)
- Representative from the party (bloc) in the district election commissions
- Official observer from the party (bloc)
- Authorized representative of the candidate for People's Deputies of Ukraine in the single-mandate district
Central Election Commission
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
Terrorist lists drawn by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine
Register of academic certificates
The Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals
YouControl register of analytical findings
YouControl register of analytical findings
Sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council
Security Service of Ukraine
Information on business entities that have a tax debt
The "Peacemaker" website is filled with information from well-known and publicly available open sources, which are used exclusively for scientific research, creative and journalistic purposes.
Data from the Center for the Study of the Signs of Crimes Against Ukraine's National Security, Peace, Human Security, and International Legal Order
One of the key tasks of the project is to help collect evidence of crimes committed by specific individuals during military operations.
Data of the joint project of the Anti-Corruption Headquarters and the Slidstvo. Info
- PEP status check.
- Individuals and entities related to searched PEP.
- Declarants, PEPs, and related persons.
PEP status check: allows you to check an individual against PEP status or a person associated with the PEP. The search is performed by full name, so keep in mind that this method finds all matches by name among PEPs and PEP-related individuals. Further verification can be done with additional information (PEP category, place of work). For PEP-related individuals you will receive the following information: the full name of the associated PEP, the type of relationship, role, etc.
Individuals and entities related to searched PEP: allows to a list of related to PEP persons and legal entities. You can get information about family members, individuals with joint property, connected via legal entities (and the name and code of the entity). Another data block contains a list of related companies to that PEP and his/her role in this company. Consider, that search is done by name, so there is a chance that individuals or companies on a list are not connected to your searched PEP. We do recommend using PEP's internal identifier "relatedToId" to verify if this person is related to the right PEP.
Declarants, PEPs, and related persons: allows obtaining a list of reporting entities in the Unified State Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Perform Functions of the State or Local Self-Government, as well as providing information on national public figures.
The list of suspects includes representatives of the military and political leadership of the Russian Federation, namely ministers, deputies, military command, officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, as well as public figures, warmongers and propagandists of the Kremlin.
Individuals / Suspects in the main case of "24th February" (generalprosecutor24febsuspect)
YouControl register of analytical findings
The search is done by full name. You can search in Ukrainian and English. In response, you will receive the person’s status (is he/she found in at least one international sanctions list) and a list of sanctions lists.
Foreign PEP and related person status check: helps automate the screening of individuals for Politically Exposed Person (PEP) status and PEP relatedness. Persons and companies related to the sought foreign PEP: data on family members, persons connected through companies (also name and company code). Another set of data includes a list of legal entities associated with PEPs, as well as data on the role of PEPs in these companies.
Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations
Information on business entities that have a tax debt
Find out more about your business partner
Register of single tax payers
Register of VAT payers
Register of VAT payers
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
- list of enforcement proceedings and their numbers
- status of the counterparty in production (debtor / recoverer)
- categories of penalties
- information on the other side of production
- information on the collection authority, and direct executor as well as other information contained in the Automated system of enforcement proceedings
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
When requested by ID (EDRPOU) of a legal entity:
The module provides the following information:
1. List of related NPFs (national public figures) or related parties
1.1. Type of communication with the company
1.2. Individual ID
1.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
1.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
1.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
1.6. Link for detailed information
2. List of related entities of declaration or related persons
2.1. Type of communication with the company
2.2. Individual ID
2.3. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
2.4. Name of the individual connected with the legal entity
2.5. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
2.6. Link for detailed information
When requested by an individual’s ID:
1. Name of individual
2. Position of an individual
3. Category (NPF only)
4. Date from which we assign a person to the category of NPFs (only for NPFs)
5. The date from which we cease to count the person of the NPF (only for the NPF)
6. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
7. Source from which information about an individual was obtained
8. List of related NPFs (only for persons associated with NPFs)
Upon request by name, belonging to the subjects of declaration and NPF, and also to persons associated with them (checked only if private person is associated with legal entity):
1. Individual ID
2. ID of an individual through which an individual is associated with a legal entity
3. Name of individual
4. Status of an individual associated with a legal entity
5. Links for detailed information
YouControl register of analytical findings
The module provides the following information:
1. The total number of vehicles
2. Link to the next page
3. List of vehicles:
3.1. Operation code
3.2. Operation Name
3.3. Registration Authority
3.4. Type of vehicle
3.5. Model
3.6. Mark
3.7. Body type
3.8. Fuel type
3.9. Color
3.10. Year of production
3.11. Engine volume
3.12. Net weight of the vehicle
3.13. Total vehicle weight
3.14. Date of last registration
3.15. Vehicle purpose
Data by the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka)
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
A - Low probability
B - Moderate probability
C - Increased probability
D - High probability
Studies have shown that companies with the index "D" became bankrupt 7 times more often than companies with an index "A". Also, the responsible manager can revise the company's main financial indicators for the last 5 years, which helps to make decisions, on establishing / prolonging business relations with the counterparty or providing certain services, more quickly.
YouControl register of analytical findings
YouControl register of analytical findings
YouControl register of analytical findings
YouControl register of analytical findings
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
In response, you will receive a list of sanctions found on the counterparty, date of publication, source from which information on sanctions is received, description of sanction.
Sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, All sanctions lists administered by OFAC of the United States Department of the Treasury, Sanctions List of EU, UN Security Council sanctions, Sanctions list of Canada, Consolidated Sanctions List of Australia, Sanctions List of the United Kingdom, Sanctions List of Japan against the Russian Federation in Connection with the Events in Ukraine, Sanctions Lists by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
The module provides the following information:
1. Description Code
2. Name of counterparty
3. Type of registration action
4. Date of validity
5. An array with references to documents in the state register (the size of the array depends on the number of documents)
5.1. Document's name
5.2. Link to document (with download)
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
All sources of individuals checking
Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations SMIDA
Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations
Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations
YouControl register of analytical findings Unified state register of legal entities, sole traders and public organizations State Tax Service of Ukraine State Statistics Service of Ukraine