Choose a plan that’s right for you

Easy start
For small and medium companies ready to do a first step in automation
319 € / year

Ціна включає ПДВ 20% (1500 грн)

  • 5 000 transactions
  • All Data API Modules
For medium and large companies seeking an individual solution for automation on a bigger scale
Custom pricing
  • More than 5 000 transactions
  • All Data + Analytics API Modules
Compare plans and features
Opportunities with API Easy start Premium
AML automation The API allows you to automate financial monitoring by receiving data on sanctions, national public figures, owners and final beneficiaries, and more right in your IT system. As well as auto-completion of customer questionnaires in the KYC process.
Due diligence automation Due diligence can be performed directly in your IT systems by setting up risk factors check. You can use YouControl scoring or create your own scoring to automate the compliance process.
Individuals check Automation of individuals checks allows you to consolidate data on lawsuits, enforcement proceedings, links with companies and financial-industrial groups, PEP, debts, presence in the sanctions lists and lists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine, etc.
Autofill of counterparties data in CRM, ERP Getting open data via the YouScore API will save time on finding and filling in the contractor's data by sales department or accounting, as well as help to avoid mistakes.
Available API endpoints:
Endpoint "Company data" Basic information on legal entities from the Unified State Register
All endpoints from package "Data" Includes: Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Associations (USR), Data about sanctions, national public figures, etc., Data on VAT and single tax payers, tax debt check, Data on courts and enforcement proceedings, Verification of individuals, Data on real estate and other assets, License Information
All endpoints from package "Analytics" Includes: Express analysis / Compliance Score, Market and financial scoring, Link with financial and industrial groups, History of changes in the company
PDF company or FOP profile Automatically receive company or sole proprietorship (FOP) dossier in pdf format directly in your information system.
PDF individuals profile Automatically receive individual's dossier in pdf format directly in your information system
New clients Automate lead generation. Get a list of newly created companies directly into your CRM.
Loyalty Program By purchasing a one-year license or prolonging your current one, you become a member of the YouControl Family loyalty program. You will automatically be credited with bonuses that you can exchange for gifts.
Personal manager From the moment you become interested in automating with the YouScore API, you will be accompanied by our specialist who will help you choose the best solution and support you during the testing, integration and throughout the whole period of using our products.
Dedicated Slack channel Customer support is provided by our Support Team via email, chats and self-service desk. There is also the possibility of a dedicated Slack channel, developer-to-developer support during the integration period.
Consulting With more than 6 years of experience in using open data for compliance purposes, we share knowledge and recommendations to make your automation project successful and profitable for you.
Frequently asked questions

What is the “Data” and “Analytics” packages? What is the difference between them?

We divide our API modules into “Data” and “Analytics” because the transactions in these packages have different prices. The “Analytics” package includes our scoring systems, as well as analytical and complex modules in which data are formed based on many sources.

How much will it cost to check the counterparty by the tax number in all state registers?

The cost of checking one counterparty will depend on the number of data sources / registers you want to use. We have more than 20 API modules, but you probably don't need all of them. Therefore, we advise you to choose with our consultant the modules that will be valuable to you. If you are interested in a comprehensive contractor check, we recommend you to consider using our Express Analysis / Compliance Score, which contains more than 500 risk factors. Verification of the Express analysis for one contingent is one transaction from the package “Analytics”.

What is a transaction and how do I know how many transactions I need?

In general a transaction is an API request that brings value. You will also make API requests that are more “technical”, these requests are not counted as transactions and they are free. The needed number of transactions can be calculated based on the number of counterparties which you plan to check and the variety of data sources you need. For example, if you plan to automatically fill in data for 1000 counterparties in your system and you need data from the Unified State Register and information about VAT payer from the tax registers, then you will need about 2000 transactions. We will help you calculate needed amount of transactions, choose the right plan and the API modules during the consultation.

How can I test the API and how much does it cost?

Test access to the YouScore API is free. Just contact us and we will provide you with a test key / token to the API, so you can start tresting it right away. We provide 100 API requests, which should be enough to test all modules.

Can I get a different pricing plan than the ones listed on the site?

Yes, if you have not found a suitable tariff plan, just contact us and we will help you create an individul pricing.

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